November 17, 2022
All Caroline schools have scheduled their December concert performance dates. Celebrate the holidays and support our talented students on one or more of the dates provided below! ...

November 13, 2022
Hello DES Families, Please take a moment to review important information regarding our DES Visitation Day procedures. Have a great Sunday! DES Visitation Newsletter
October 24, 2022
Dear DES Families, Please take a moment to read our family update to review upcoming events and school informational resources. #DESAdventures https://www.smore.com/mwqy7g

October 17, 2022
DES Families, DES will be celebrating Unity Day this Wednesday 10/19 by wearing orange! Please feel free to have your students join in.

October 10, 2022
Dear DES Families, Please click the link to our DES Family Update for important information! https://www.smore.com/8wnbu

October 6, 2022
October 6, 2022 - At the October Board of Education meeting, five schools were recognized for outstanding work with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

October 1, 2022
Attention DES Families, We are excited to share that we will hold our DES Halloween parade on 10/31 @ 9:25 am. Spectators will stand in the DES bus loop or Car-Rider lane (please...

September 25, 2022
Please read the DES Family Update for important information and updates pertaining to Denton Elementary School.

September 21, 2022
Caroline County Public Schools is in the early stages of developing the 2023-2024 school year calendar and would appreciate the input of staff and families. Please take a few minu...

September 19, 2022
Please be sure to verify/update your child's information in PowerSchool. CCPS and your child's school relies on this information for all contacts, especially in emergencies. I...

September 18, 2022
DES Families, Don't forget our Back to School Night event tomorrow, Monday, September 19th, from 6:00-7:30 pm. The schedule for our event is as follows: Session 1: 6:00-6:15 p...

September 14, 2022
Hello DES Families, Don't forget our Back to School Night event on Monday, September 19th, from 6:00-7:30 pm. The schedule for our event is as follows: Session 1: 6:00-6:15 p...

August 19, 2022
Join us for a fun afternoon on August 30!
1:30 - 4:00 pm - Car-Rider sign up or update
2:00 - 3:00 pm - Stop by to drop off your supplies and say hello to your teachers!

August 15, 2022
Our first Picnic with the Principal was a great success! Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the DES Picnic with the Principal! We had a great turnout, with guests enjoyin...